Meet Coach Scott Hill
We moved to Phoenix in the summer of 2009. I live here with my wife, Stacey, and our three children, Eoghan, Cashlin, and Ginessa. I have been around the game my entire life. I was born the son of a coach and began playing when I was five years old. For the past twenty-one years, I worked in education and coaching. I have been connecting with students and athletes my entire career. I have worked with players ranging from five years old to the college level.
In the summer of 2019, I resigned from my teaching and coaching position to pursue skill development as my full time profession. It is a passion of mine to have an impact on young people and this is the way I feel I can do that most significantly. I took a huge risk in doing so, but that's what makes it so worthwhile and I'm going to see it through.
So if you're interested in working with someone who's dedicated his life to developing young people, let's see what we can do together.

A.S.S.I.S.T. Industries
A. Our achievements are directly related to how we have been blessed in life.
​B. Any achievement we accomplish ought to be received with the highest level of humility.
C. Achievements that have lasting impact are those that are much bigger than ourselves.
A. Our successes are rooted in what we can achieve with integrity and by loving others more than we love ourselves. ​
B. Success is a by-product of the faithfulness we demonstrate with the responsibilities entrusted to us, whether they are large or small.​
C. Exhibiting quality character traits such as hard work, integrity, commitment, and service to others will result in success on and off the court.​
A. Whatever the task, work diligently until the work is done.
B. Take initiative and get going. ​
C. Let nothing deter you from accomplishing your goal.
A. Be selective with the activities you allow to occupy your time.
B. Remain driven and focused to tackle a massive goal one small step at a time.
C. Whatever you choose to do, direct all of your thoughts and energies on it and spend the rest of your life getting up and going after it.
A. A clear vision for your future will keep you on track when outward circumstances threaten to discourage you.
B. A burning passion from within will keep you motivated on a daily basis.
C. Surround yourself with people who are as passionate about what they want as you are with what you want.
A. There is urgency for getting done what we need to get done to become who we want to be.
​B. Now is the time to keep your eyes focused on the target, resisting any temptation to get sidetracked or give up.
C. Stay focused on your primary goal in order to be most effective and make the most significant progress and impact.
Need more details? Contact us.
We are here to assist. Contact us by phone, email or via our Social Media channels.